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Funktsioonid | |
Kasutusaeg | 3 aasta(t) |
Tüüp | Järgi tulemine ja tagasi toomine |
Kasutusaeg (tundi x päeva) | 9x5 |
Ühilduvus | Folio 13 |
HP segment | Ettevõtlus, Ettevõte |
Varustaja tunnusmärk | |
Logistics options | Courier pick up and return |
Warranty type | S |
Coverage period | 36 kuu(d) |
Care Pack type | Electronic |
Additional information | Excludes external monitor |
Service method | Depot repair |
Response time | Repaired within 3-7 business days |
Duration | 3 years |
Warranty coverage | In warranty |
Place of service | Offsite |
Support type | Pickup and return |
Katvuse detailid | Standard workdays - 9 hours |